To: ____(銀行名)
Dear Sirs,
We send you herewith for negotiation our drafts/receipt(s) No.____ for ____ drawn under L/C or A/P No.____ issued by ____ companied by the following documents.
發票 Invoice
檢驗書Inspection Cert.
提單Bill of Lading
重量單Weight List
保險單Insurance Policy
包裝單Packing List
領事發票 Consular Invoice
公證書Survey Report
海關發票Customs Invoice
轉讓書Letter of Transfer
產地證明書 Cert. of Origin
保結書Letter of Indemnity
We verify that all advice relative to credit instruments including advices of amendment, if any have been submitted to you with failure.
For the proceeds, please have it settled in accordance with Foreign Exchange Regulations as promulgated by our government authorities concerned.
We further make it known that we agree to stand any loss which may occur through fluctuation of the exchange rates during the time you are checking the documents before negotiation or consequent on delays in negotiation upon your discovery of some shortfalls discrepancies in the documents, and we undertake that you will not be held responsible for any such losses.
In consideration of your negotiation the above mentioned documentary draft, we guarantee that you can receive the proceeds within two months and further undertake to hold you harmless and identified against any discrepancies including bankruptcy of issuing bank and/or paying bank which may cause non-acceptance of the said draft receipt and we shall refund you in original currency the whole and/or part of the draft receipt amount with interest and/or expenses that may be accrued and/or incurred in connection with the above on receipt of your notice to that effect.
Yours faithfully,
A/P=Authority to Pay (Purchase)
以原幣償還refund you in original currency
開狀銀行issuing bank
保證不使貴行受損hold you harmless
Dear Sirs,
Your order No.___(訂單編號)
We take pleasure in informing you this, in accordance with your order No. ___(訂單編號) of ___(日期), we have shipped today by s.s. “___(船名)” from ___(地名) to ___(地名), _____(數量) cases of fancy goods, which we trust will reach you in good order and condition.
Herewith we hand you the following non-negotiable shipping documents for the shipment:
2 copies of commercial invoice
1 copy of bill of lading
2 copies of packing list
1 copy of certificate of weight and measurement
1 copy of special customs invoice
To cover this shipment we have drawn on you a 90d/s draft for US$____(金額) through our bankers. The original shipping documents are attached to the draft, and will be handed to you by our bankers through ____(銀行) on your acceptance of the draft.
We shall be glad if you will duly protect the draft on presentation, and look forward to being favored with a continuance of your order.
Yours faithfully,
精美貨品fancy goods
輪船s.s.=steam ship
好的堪用狀況in good order and condition
安予兌付匯票duly protect the draft
We thank you for your letter of ____(日期) giving us shipping instructions together with marks and numbers, for ___(商品數量) on your order of _____(日期), we now have the pleasure of apprising you that the goods being shipped per s.s. “___(船名)” sailing on the ___(日期,如20th of Oct), as per our invoice enclosed.
As arranged, we are drawing a draft upon your goodselves at sight, D/P for the amount, viz, US$____, and ask you to protect it. The shipping documents will be surrendered by the ___(銀行)against your payment of our draft. The present market is a trifle easier, but this is owing more to the time of the year, which is between seasons, than to any other cause, and no doubt prices will be firm again on about a month’s time.
We trust our shipment will give you every satisfaction and induce you to place with us your renewed orders, to which we shall at all times be most pleased to give our every attention.
Yours faithfully,
交付surrender=give up
行情疲軟trifle easier
Dear Sirs,
We confirm our letter of ___(日期,如June 30) informing you that according to advice from the ____(銀行), our draft No.____(編號) and order ____(編號) had not been paid.
We had asked to attend to this matter at once, but to our astonishment we were informed by the Bank that, in spite of repeated requests, you still had not paid.
Through such delay considerable expenses are incurred, such as rent, moratorium interest, additional insurance, etc., for which you are responsible.
We would remind you that our agreement with you is worded as follows: “We hereby agree to accept your draft promptly and to meet same when due without regard to objections respecting this parcel, which shall be referred to arbitration. Should we not honor the draft when presented or due, we hereby authorize you or your representatives to resell the goods by auction, private contract, or in such manner as may appear best to you, after giving us ___(天數) days’ notice. We also agree to make good, on demand and without dispute, any deficiency arising from such sale?” In view of the above agreement recognized by you, we much ask you to honor our draft for US$_____(金額) within ___(天數) days after receiving this letter, failing which we shall be compelled to resell the goods and hold you responsible for any loss.
We trust that you will now not neglect this last warning.
Yours faithfully,
注意attend to
延付所生的利息moratorium interest
以如下文字表達is worded as follows
無異議without regard to objections
交付仲裁shall be referred to arbitration
以你們最佳方法in such manner as may appear best to you
補償make good
一經要求on demand
否則failing which
負責hold responsible for
範例五:催收帳款(第一次催收,Submitting a Statement)
Dear Sirs,
We enclosed a Statement of Account made up to and including the ____(日期)from which you will observe that there is a balance in our flavor of US$___(金額).
Any early settlement would be appreciated.
帳單Statement of Account
帳單上顯示本公司應收…There is a balance in our flavor of…=There is a balance due to us of …=A statement of account showing a balance in our favor of …
範例六:催收帳款(第二次催收,Reminder of Account)
Dear Sirs,
We note with surprise that we have not had any information from you with regard to the Settlement of Account submitted on ___(日期,如the 3rd of June). Under the circumstances, we are forced to conclude that our communication has not reached you, and we now enclose a duplicate statement to which we ask you to give your early attention.
we note with surprise=we are surprised to find
duplicate statement帳單副本
Dear Sirs,
Owing to the fact that you have ignored our repeated applications for a settlement of your outstanding balance US$___(金額) we can only assume that are not prepared to effect a payment.
As you have considerably exceeded the term of receiving payment by ___(日期,如the 25th of June)
未清償的餘款outstanding balance
只好認為can only assume=can not but assume
信用貸款的條件term of credit
Dear Sirs,
We regret that your failure to settle your account by ___(日期) has left us with no alternative but demand payment by return of post or to have recourse to legal proceedings unless we receive your check by the ___(日期).
未能清償欠款failure to settle=neglect to settle=will not make payment
除要求…沒有其他辦法has left us with no alternative but demand
訴之於法to have recourse to legal proceedings=to institute legal proceedings
Enclosed is the statement for goods delivered during ___(月份). Please examine it, and if correct let us know whether we shall draw as usual, or whether you prefer to remit by check for this small amount.
照往常一樣簽發匯票draw as usual
用支票匯付remit by check
Dear Sirs,
Your Consignment No.___(編號)
We are pleased to inform you that your consignment of ____(寄售資訊例如:100 dozen of fountain pens shipped by s.s. “___”) were profitably disposed of.
We are sending you the enclosed Account Sales from which you will find that the goods sold at higher prices than listed. We are glad to give you such a favorable report.
The proceeds due to you will be paid immediately upon presentation of your draft, please draw against our account as usual.
有利地處分profitably disposed of
欠貴公司的款項proceeds due to you
Dear Sirs,
We wish to draw your attention to the fact that our commission of US$___(金額) on the two sales effected through us and shipment was made during ___(月份) as per your invoices ___(編號) and ___(編號), totaling US$___(金額) in value, has not been remitted into our account with our bank ___(銀行), though it was due in ___(月份). We believe that the relative drafts were negotiated at your bank in due course.
In the past you were always punctual in remittance, and therefore the delay in this instance is presumed to have been caused by some clerical error. At any rate, we are inconvenienced by the existence of the outstanding account.
If you have not yet arranged for remittance, please do so at once, if you have already done, you may disregard this letter.
Your prompt reply will be appreciated.
假定 is presumed
在這種情況下in this instance
筆誤clerical error
總之at any rate=in any case
We are surprised to receive a notice from our bankers that draft for US$10,000.00 draw on you have been dishonored by you without any reason.
We wish to draw your attention to our invoice No.105, for the sum of US$10,000.00 which we have not yet received.
We look forward to your remittance within the next few days.
Unless we receive your payment in full settlement by the end of this month, we shall take legal proceedings.
We enclose a check for US$10,000.00 to settle the accounts to the end of May, and shall be glad if you will acknowledge its receipt.
>截至6月30日止 made up to and including the 30th of June
>貴公司尚欠本公司美金500元 a balance in our flavor of US$500.00
分配allot=give out=allocate分配給特定對象,例如:allocate a task to sb
分配/發布distribute分發給不特定若干對象,例如:distribute products in the overseas market
普通股common stock
特別股preferred shares
創建人股份founders shares
法人實體legal entity
組織架構organizational structure