    In a recent issue of the ___(刊物名),we saw your name listed as being interested in purchasing ___(商品名) in this country.
    For more than a decade we have been exporting ___(商品名) to your country and we have extensive and close connections with many leading manufacturers in the country.
    Therefore we take the liberty to write you with the earnest desire of having the opportunity to enter into business relations with you.
    We quote you US$12 per dozen CIF your port, as to the terms of payment, we usually request our customers to open a letter of credit in our favor. We are sensing you under separate cover our latest catalog and free sample for your reference.As to our credit standing, please refer to the following:___(銀行資訊)
    We hope to be of service to you and look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
                                                                                                                                                                  Sincerely yours,

>recent issue最近出版的一期
>take the liberty冒昧的
>CIF(起岸價格,國際貿易報價的一種,包括Freight和Cost Insurance)
>letter of credit信用狀
>under separate cover另外寄上
>be of service to you; at your service誠竭為您服務

Dear Sirs,
    Your name has been listed by ___(作為消息來源的機構名)as one of the leading dealers of ___(商品名)in your city and a firm seeking the possibility of promoting your business in Taiwan.
    As the enclosed pamphlet shows, we have been specializing in your commodities for over twenty years, our experience in these lines will surely add to your line of business. Moreover, our brand range of business affiliations with many companies in surrounding cities places us in a superior competitive position.
    We would like very much to open an account with you, and hope that matter of mutual interest can be arranged.
    We are looking forward to your reply.
                                                                                                                                                                  Sincerely yours,

>as the enclosed pamphlet shows如附上的小冊子所示
>business affiliations生意往來
>superior competitive position更優勢的競爭地位
>open an account with a company與某公司建立業務往來
>matter of mutual interest can be arranged相互利益可事先安排好

    As we are given to understand that you are interested in the ___(商品名),we take this opportunity of introducing ourselves as a reliable trading firm, established twenty years age and dealing in articles ever since with fair record especially with the Southeast Asian countries. 
    In order to give you an idea, we quote some of them without engagement as follows:____(列舉無涉及契約純粹商品資訊給對方了解)
    We are sensing you under separate cover our latest catalog and free samples. Please give us your specific inquiries upon examination of the above as we presume they will be received favorably in your market. 
    We also handle ___(其他服務)which are selling well in ___(地區).

    As to our standing, please refer to the following banks:___(銀行名)
    We hope to be of service to you and look forward to your comments.
                                                                                                                                                                  Yours faithfully,

>We are given to understand that我們獲悉
>take this opportunity of introducing ourselves as a reliable trading firm, established twenty years age and dealing in articles ever since with fair record especially with the Southeast Asian countries. 
>take this opportunity 藉此機會
>deal in 經營
>with fair record有好的紀錄
>presume ...favorably相信必能獲致好評

Dear Sirs,
    Thank you for your letter of July 1, 2021 introducing us your interest in exporting __(商品名)to the ___(地區).
    We do have mush interest in doing business with you in this line.However, it is regretful to inform you that we are not in a position to enter into business relations with any firms in your country because we have had an agency arrangement with another firm in Taiwan.
    Under the circumstances, we have to refrain from transacting with you until the agency contract expires.
    Your letter and catalog have been filed for future reference.
    Your understanding of our situation will be appreciated.
                                                                                                                                                                  Yours faithfully,

>agency arrangement代理關係
>contract expires合約到期
>under the circumstances此種情況下

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