In reply to your inquiry of July 10 requesting a quotation, we have just fax you the offer sheet.
We are assured you will find our prices are very reasonable. The market here is enjoying an upward trend, and we have no further stock available to offer at the same price. We advise you not to overlook this opportunity and hope to receive your order.
Yours faithfully,
報價單quotation=offer sheet
行情看漲upward trend
存貨不多no further stock available
失去良機overlook this opportunity
We thank you for your letter of May 1, 2021 inquiring about the captioned building material and take pleasure to enclose our offer No.TT-100 for your consideration. May we draw your attention to the facts that the price we quoted is on (CFR) Bangkok basis instead of on either FOB Taiwan or CIF Bangkok basis and that our offer will be valid until June 1, 2021. As the demands for plywood have been very heavy recently, your early decision and reply are requested.
We are waiting for your prompt and favorable rely.
Faithfully yours,
上述所提的建築材料captioned building material
起岸價格曼谷交貨包括運費不含保險費CFR Bangkok
範例二:報價單(quotation=offer sheet)
2.___(日期,例如May 15, 2021)
We take pleasure in offering you the following commodity at the price and on the terms and conditions set forth below:
Payment:Against 100% confirmed, irrevocable and transferable letter of credit in our favor.
Insurance:All risks plus war for 110% of invoice value.
Shipment: During July, 2021 subject to your L/C reaches us by the end of June, 2021.
Packing:Export standard packing.
Validity:June 1,2021, Our time.
Remark:Mill's inspection to be final. Minimum Order: 1,000,000 sq.ft.
Yours very truly,
品質以工廠檢驗為主mill's inspection to be final
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to offer you TOXAPHENE per specification attached at the price of $2.7 per pound, in drums, FAS USA Gulf Port.
Cholrine, which is in extremely short supply in this country, is a basic ingredient in the manufacture of TOXAPHENE. Supply of TOXAPHENE is currently available because it is "off season".
Next year all available agricultural land in this country will be put cultivation of crops as a result of the world crop shortage. For both of the above reasons it is quite likely that TOXAPHENE,too,will be in a short supply in the near future.
We believe that this is an unique opportunity to assure yourselves of an adequate supply of TOXAPHENE at attractive prices. We can supply about 1000 tons.
Sincerely yours,
唯一的機會unique opportunity
淡季off season
農作物栽培cultivation of crops
氯 Cholrine (btw氯水就是漂白水)
In reply to your inquiry of September 10 about sugar, we have the pleasure of offering you on the following terms and conditions.
This offer is valid until Oct.10.
This is a combined offer on all or none basis.
This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before Oct.10.
Due to the sensitive market situation here, we are not in a position to submit our offer that might be outstanding for over 20 days.
We trust that our price is low enough for the excellent quality of our products, enabling you to compare with any other firms.
>市價market price
>最低訂貨量minimum order
>非得要 reluctantly compelled to
>每單位裝運基礎per shipment basis
例如:We used to pay our freight forwarder by figuring each shipment separately. We paid him on a per shipment basis.
>海上保険marine insurance
>裝載、背馱piggyback(字面意是小豬背若小孩要爸媽背常會說Give me a piggyback!)=>piggybacking附送過程
例如:One of the best things he has done for us is to suggest that we use piggyback. That means the carrying of one vehicle on another.
>追蹤貨物tracking shipments
>轉載點transfer points
>過渡時間、通行時間transit time