信用狀(Letter of Credit簡稱L/C或Credit)是進口商請銀行以銀行名義對出口商所發出的一封信,
>開狀申請人(Applicant for credit):向開狀銀行請求開發信用狀的人,通常就是進口商或買方
>開狀銀行(Opening Bank or Issuing Bank)
>通知銀行(Advising Bank):依開狀銀行之請託,在出口地將該信用狀交給出口商的銀行
>押匯銀行(Negotiating Bank):即從出口商手中購入信用狀下匯票及單據的銀行,亦可稱為貼現銀行(Discount Bank)
Dear Sirs,
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of ____(日期)and are pleased to be favored with your order for ___(訂單內容) .
In order to meet your urgent requirements, we have already prepared the delivery of the stuff and will book shipping space right after we receive your L/C. Therefore, you are requested to expedite the establishment of credit at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,
蒙惠顧to be favored
預定船艙位book shipping space
Dear Sirs,
Your letter of ____(日期) confirming the order we placed with you for the pick up has been received. We are pleased to inform you that application for import license has been approved.
On ____(日期), and L/C was opened in your favor for an amount of ____(金額) to cover the C.I.F. value of this order by ___(信託單位,如:Central Trust of China through Korean Exchange Bank, Seoul. For your information, the numbers of the import license and the L/C are D1 and D2 respectively. It will be appreciated if you will arrange to ship the total quantity not later than ____(日期)
Enclosed for your reference is one copy of the relative L/C we have opened for this order.
Yours faithfully,
唱頭pick up
輸入許可證application for import license
茲附上信用狀附本1份請參考Enclosed for your reference is one copy
範例三:不可撤銷信用狀(Irrevocable letter of credit)
We hereby establish our irrevocable letter of credit in your favor for account of ___(進口商) up to the aggregate amount of US$_____(金額) available by your drafts drawn at sight on us for 100% invoice value and accompanied by the following documents:
1. Commercial invoice in triplicate
2. Special U.S.Customs Invoice, in duplicate
3. Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading, to order of shipper, blank encorsed, marked: “Notify ___(進口商) ,” “Freight collect,” Evidencing shipment of:
___(商品出貨資訊及最後裝船日期地點,例如: shipment latest July 15, from Keelung, Taiwan to San Francisco, California)
Partial shipments are prohibited.
Transshipment is permitted.
Insurance is to be effected by the buyer.
The negotiating bank must forward all documents to us in one cover by airmail.
The amount and date of each negotiation must be endorsed on the back hereof by the negotiating bank.
We hereby agree with drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit shall meet with due honor upon presentation and delivery of documents as specified to the drawee if drawn and presented for negotiation not later than ___(日期).
This is a confirmation of the Credit opened by cable under today’s date through ___(銀行) applicable to this Credit.
This Credit is subject to the uniform Custom & Practice for Documentary Credits ____(修訂年份,如2001Revision), International Chamber of Commerce, Publication No.---.
Yours faithfully,
我們在此開發We hereby establish
以你為受益人in your favor
計入(進口商)的帳for account of
總金額為up to the aggregate amount of
得簽發以本行為付款人的即期匯票available by your drafts drawn at sight on us
匯票金額按發票金額全額開發for 100% invoice value(amount)
附上以下單據 accompanied by the following documents
商業發票3份Commercial invoice in triplicate
美國海關發票2份Special U.S.Customs Invoice, in duplicate
整套已裝船海上清潔提單Full set of clean on board ocean B/ L
運費待收Freight collect
證明裝運Evidencing shipment of
部分裝船被禁止Partial shipments are prohibited.
轉運被允許Transshipment is permitted.
押匯銀行應將所有單據一次以航郵寄到本行The negotiating bank must forward all documents to us in one cover by airmail.
每一次押匯的總額及日期必須由押匯銀行右後面背書The amount and date of each negotiation must be endorsed on the back hereof by the negotiating bank.
善意第三持有人bona fide holder
符合in compliance with
This Credit is subject to the uniform Custom & Practice for Documentary Credits ____(修訂年份,如2001Revision), International Chamber of Commerce, Publication No.---.
>船上交貨價F.O.B(Free on Board)
Up to now, we have not yet received your L/C. In order to book the shipping space at earlier date, you are requested to have the L/C opened immediately.
With reference to your order No.123, the manufacture of the goods has been completed and we are now arranging to ship from Keelung. In the meantime, we await your credit to cover.
We find that the L/C amount is inconsistent with that listed in our proforma invoice. The correct amount should be US$10,000. Possibly, it was a typographical error or an oversight on the part of your bank. Therefore, please request your bank to amend the credit.
Since this happening has been caused by force majeure over which we have had no control, we hope you will agree with us that we cannot be held responsible for this delay in shipment.
We have requested our bankers to amend the clause to read “…”.
>敬請多加注意invite your attention
>遵照指示upon your instructions
>反壟斷法antitrust laws
>專用exclusive use
>合資公司joint venture
>銷售點sales outlets