出口商(賣家)先去跟船公司訂好艙位(Booking Space)
船公司接受託運貨物的話會發出裝貨單(Shipping Order),
出口商可將貨物裝上船,碼頭會簽署收貨單(Mate’s Receipt)給出口商
出口商憑藉著碼頭開的收貨單再去跟船公司換取提單(Bill of Lading)
Dear Sirs,
We shall be pleased if you will quote us the lowest rate of freight for ___(商品資訊,如:100 bales of cotton yarn weighting 400 lbs, each), to be shipped to ___(地名) direct before ___(日期) from ___(地名).
As the L/C stipulates that transshipment is not allowed, therefore, you must quote us for vessel sailing from ___(地名) to ___(地名) directly before the deadline as mentioned above.
Your early quotation will be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
棉紗cotton yarn
Dear Sirs,
In response to your inquiry of ___(日期) concerning the ocean freight to ___(地名) for ___(商品數量,如:400 bales of cotton yarn), we are pleased to inform you that the rate of freight is ___(貨運匯率,如US$80.00 per cubic meter of 1000 kilos) , which is the agreed minimum rate of freight of the European Route Conference.
As to the steamers which will sail from ___(地名) to ___(地名), there are two regular liners, viz, s.s. “A” due to leave ___(地名) on ___(日期), to be followed by s.s. “B” on ___(日期).
We hope to have the pleasure of dealing with your shipment.
Yours faithfully,
一立方公尺(或一千公斤)運費美金80元US$80.00 per cubic meter of 1000 kilos
歐洲航線運費同盟European Route Conference
船名為A的船舶s.s. “A”=steam ship “A”
This is to confirm our fax of ___(日期) informing that we shipped ___(商品數量) covering your order No.___(訂單編號) dated ___(日期) on the same date by the M.S. “___” which sailed from ___(地名) to ___(地名) on the ___(日期).
We are pleased to send you herewith enclosed the following relative shipping documents:
Commercial Invoice:2 copies
Bill of Lading:2 copies
Certificate of Quality:1 copy
To cover this shipment, we have drawn a draft at sight for US$___(金額) negotiated it through ____(銀行) under L/C No.___(信用狀編號) by____(銀行).
We trust that the goods will reach you in good condition, and thank you for your patronage.
Truly yours,
船名M.S. “___”
裝船文件shipping documents
商業發票Commercial Invoice
提單Bill of Lading
數量證明書Certificate of Quality
為了抵付該批貨裝運之代價To cover this shipment
向____(銀行) 押匯negotiated it through ____(銀行)
Dear Sirs,
We are very sorry to inform you that the shipment during ____(月份) covering your order No.___(訂單編號) is impossible to execute within the date stipulated on account of manufacturers labor shortage.
The ___(製造商公司名)Co., with which your order was placed is suffering a serious labor shortage by a recent rush of orders and a general shortage of young workers.
Every effort is being made to deliver the goods are requested. However, they say that one month delay of shipment is unavoidable. We ask, therefore that you kindly approve the situation with a __(折價趴數)% price discount as shown in the enclosed attachment.
Although this is beyond our control, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused you.
Yours faithfully,
由於製造商勞力缺乏on account of manufacturers labor shortage
訂單相繼湧至a recent rush of orders
裝貨延遲一個月是不可避免的one month delay of shipment is unavoidable
We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped your order No.777 for toys by the s.s. “A” which sailed here on July 8.
Your order No.123 has been forwarded as per copy enclosed, by the s.s. “Taiwan” which left this port today and which is to arrive at your port on July 20.
We trust the shipment will reach you in good condition and open up to your complete satisfaction.
We have drawn on Bank of America sight for US$10,000.00 under L/C No.123 issued by Bank of America, and negotiated it through Bank of Taiwan.
We are looking forward to a continued and increasing business with you.
基本薪資base salary
生活費用津貼cost-of-living allowance
業務營運/業務管理人員活動line operation
目標日期target date