Dear Sirs,
___(商品資訊,如:98 cartons Canned Mushroom, marked 1-19 to New York from Kaoshiung on October 13.)
In regard to the captioned shipment, as we have noticed you before labels of the merchandise have been found in a very poor condition at arrival by our buyer.
Labels do not look nice because of too much glue used and also some rust have been found.
The lot being rejected by the buyer, we will ship back the whole lot to you without payment from you, with no draft drawn. And at the same time we must ask you to ship the same 98 cartons of sound goods in replacement, free of payment samely.
Upon receipt of your confirmation to the above, we will execute the re-shipment as early as possible
Yours faithfully,
嘜頭marked 1-19
不良狀況poor condition
Dear Sirs,
Further reference to our letter of ___(日期), enclose please find the original bills of lading No.___(提單編號) date ___(日期) covering ___(商品資訊,如:80 cartons of style #464 shipped per “PRES GRANT” V-11, ETA Kaoshiung Oct.13.)
Also, the enclosed is our check No.___(支票編號) in the amount of ___(金額). _____(商品數量,如:44covering 8 dozen of this style which we used as sample in attempting to sell these defective merchandise.
Please be advised that we are unable to return you the original special custom invoice with visa because the U.S.Custom is retaining the same.
Again, we regret we had to take this unusual action against the above mentioned style due to extremely poor quality which was shipped out without our approval and hope you understand our position.
Yours faithfully,
預估到達期間ETA=Estimate Time of Arrival
海關發票custom invoice
付諸非常之行動take this unusual action
Under separate cover, I am enclosing ___(商品資訊,如: a pair of double sheets that I ordered at your store on Tuesday, July 13, 2020.) When they were delivered to my house the next day, I discovered that one of them had a large tear in it.
As I am expecting some guests early next week and therefore need some new sheets urgently. I will be grateful if you will either replace these defective ones or else refund the full price that I paid for them. I enclose a copy of the receipt that I had with the sheets.
Incidentally, although I had ordered pink sheets, the ones you sent me were blue. Please, therefore, make sure that the replacements I hope you will send me are pink.
Truly yours,
分別支付separate cover
瑕疵品defective ones
Dear Sirs,
___(商品運送資訊,如:Re: Canned Mushroom shipped per s.s. “___(船名)”)
Please be informed that the subject goods shipped by the captioned vessel arrived at ___(地點) on __(日期).
Upon taking delivery of the cargo, we have found that there were only __(實際收到數量) cartons against __(原應收到數量) cartons shipped by you. When checking with the shipping company, we were told that only __(實際收到數量) cartons had been loaded on board the carrying vessel. Since the loss is not negligible you are hereby requested to make up the ___(不足的數量) cartons short shipped when you deliver the last two items to us. In the mean time, it will be appreciated if you will check at your end and to make sure if all these __(原應收到數量) cartons had been loaded.
We are looking forward to receiving your findings soon.
Yours faithfully,
提貨take delivery of cargo
不可忽視not negligible
補償不足的make up
短裝short shipped
裝上載貨船load on board the carrying vessel
Dear Sirs,
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your FAX and your letter dated __(日期) and__(日期) respectively together with the shipping documents for the subject shipments.
Upon the arrival of the goods at Hamburg we have taken delivery of ___(數量)cartons and have asked____(公證公司名字)Superintendence Co., Ltd. To have them inspected. It is very regrettable that many of the cartons have been found broken, thus causing a large number of cans inside the broken carton hollowed. We are sure that the ___(損壞的商品) contained therein would have been damaged. We enclose a copy of a survey report, No.___(調查報告編號) issued by ___(公證公司名字)Superintendence Co., Ltd. from which you will note the details of the damage inflicted on the goods under this shipment.
We shall appreciate it if you will compensate us the CIFC value of all the hollowed cans as shown in the report.
Since this is an urgent matter, your early attention thereto is hereby requested.
Yours faithfully,
公證公司Superintendence Co., Ltd
Dear Sirs,
We should like to draw your attention to the defective goods shipped by the s.s. “___(船名)” on __(日期).
Upon unpacking the cases, we found the quality is much inferior to the sample on which we approved the order.
Moreover the length of each piece is short by approximately __(不足的長度,如:five meters). As an evidence, we are enclosing a copy of ___(負責調查的公司名) Survey Report for your attention.
We are now in a very awkward situation, because our customers, who have been very strict about the quality, are very impatient to take delivery of the goods.
We hope that you will immediately take this matter into your careful consideration and favor us with a prompt solution.
Yours faithfully,
This is to inform you that we have received ___(商品及數量) shipped by the m.s. “___(船名)” as per our order No.___(訂單編號), but found cases No.___ and No.___(有問題的貨編號) badly damaged.
We are of the opinion that the cases were too fragile and the packing was not sufficient for export.
Enclosed is a survey report showing damage to be the result for fault packing. We ask you therefore to send us a check for US$___(金額) covering the loss we paid for survey report including charge for repair or to reship the new items at your expense. Upon receiving the new___(商品), we will return the damaged ones.
Yours prompt attention is urgently requested.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sirs,
___(商品資訊,如:Re: Your contract No.___(契約編號)
Under the captioned contract, we have taken delivery of ___(商品及數量) shipped per s.s. “___(船名)”.
Upon unpacking the ___(商品), we have found that ___(商品及數量) are much inferior to your sample.
The error has been apparently made by the carelessness of your shipping clerk, and can be easily found out by examining the remaining stock on your side. But, for your reference, we have asked ___(負責調查的公司名) to draw out samples from the ___(有問題的商品及數量) in question and have airmailed them to you today by parcel post.
For the inferiority in quality, you are requested to make a compensation allowance in price, the amount of which you will please FAX to us, after examination of the sample we have sent you.
Yours faithfully,
out of the lot(=shipment)
顯然地apparently=no doubt
貨運承辦人shipping clerk
劣於inferior to
剩下的商品remaining stock
抽取draw out
Dear Sirs,
___(商品資訊,如:Re: Your contract No.___(契約編號)
The goods you shipped against our order No.___(訂單編號) per m.s. “___(船名)” arrived at ___(地方) on ___(日期).
Upon examination immediately after taking delivery we found that any of the goods were severely damaged, though the cases themselves showed no trace of damage.
Considering this damage was due to the rough handling by the shipping company, we claimed in them for recovery of the loss, but investigation made by the surveyor has revealed the fact that the damage is attributable to the improper packing. For further particulars, we refer you to the surveyor’s report enclosed.
We are, therefore, compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, ___(損失金額), which we have sustained by the damage to the goods. We trust you will be kind enough to accept this claim and deduct the sum claimed from the amount of your next invoice to us.
Yours faithfully,
m.s.=motor ship
無跡象no trace
粗魯的處理rough handling
歸因於to be attributable to
包裝不當improper packing
不得不to be compelled to
進一步詳情for further particulars
sustained by=suffer from
Dear Sirs,
Preliminary notice of claim for stain damage to ___(毀損的商品數量) ex. s.s. “___(船名)”
We regret to inform you that stain damage is found in connection with the shipment of the below mentioned cargoes:
We hereby declare that we reserve the right to file a claim with you for this damage when the details and amount of the damage are ascertained.
We will apply to ___(調查公司) for survey on ___(日期)
Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
Very truly yours,
Dear Sirs,
__(索賠資訊,如:Re: Claim for Stain Damage to ___(商品及數量) ex s.s. “___(船名)”)
With reference to our letter of ___(日期), we now submit the above mentioned claim amounting to ____(金額) as per debit note No.___ attached, and shall be glad to receive settlement at your earliest convenience.
We also enclose copies of the following documents in support of the claim.
Shipper’s signed invoice
Cargo Boat Note
Landing Report
Survey Report
Yours faithfully,
運送人簽署過的發票Shipper’s signed invoice
Dear Sirs,
___(商品運送資訊,如:Re: ___(商品)shipped per s.s. “___(船名)” Your Policy No.__)
Enclosed please find one copy of the following documents with regards to the above mentioned shipment:
Survey Report issued by ___(負責調查的公司名)
Invoice issued by ___(開立發票的公司名)
Weight list issued by the same supplier
Insurance policy
B/L issued by ___( B/L開立單位)
Damage report issued by ___(毀損報告開立單位)
From the survey report enclosed herein, we will note that there are ___(毀損的商品數量)of this shipment with cover torn, and contents partly exposed and split. In view of the damages, you are requested to compensates us the C.I.F. value plus ___% these ____(補償數量) at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,
包裝破裂cover torn
We have received the apples shipped by you on the 10th November, but upon opening the packages, we find that none of the quantities or sizes corresponds to your invoice of the same date.
Our customers complain that the packings are insufficient and contents leak out severely.
We shall be pleased to know your explanation as to this discrepancy in the quality, and also as to what is the best you can do for us in the matter.
We would like to inform you that all the bags weigh short by 10 to 12kgs.
As we have pointed out repeatedly, prompt delivery is essential in this trade. However, we have not yet received the goods or any advice when we may expect delivery.
The damage ia apparently caused by improper packing.
We would like to know what you intend to do in the matter.
>收支平衡break even