Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of ___(日期). We are extremely sorry that the pair of sheets that was delivered to you was defective and also that our Dispatch Department made a mistake in sending you sheets of the wrong color. Please, therefore, accept our most sincere apologies for all the trouble that you have been caused. We will do our utmost to ensure that this kind of mistake is never made again.
As these sheets come wrapped in polyester covers by the manufacturer, we were unable to notice that they were torn.
However, we have now informed the manufacturer of the condition of the sheets, and are today arranging to have a pair of pink double sheets delivered to you. We trust that you have not been put too much in convenience in this matter.
We can well imagine how annoying it was for you to find your new sheets torn, and therefore now have pleasure in enclosing a gift voucher for __(禮卷金額) that can be redeemed at any of our shops. Please accept this as a slight gift in compensation for the trouble that you have been caused. We also enclose a postal order to cover the postage on the sheets that you have returned to us.
While apologizing again for the trouble you have been caused, we would like to assure you that we are at your service at all times.
Yours faithfully,
遞送部門Dispatch Department
小禮物slight gift
靜候吩咐at your service
Dear Sirs,
Your letter of ___(日期) concerning the subject shipment has received our immediate attention. We regret very much that this incident has caused you much inconvenience. Much as we are eager to help you straighten out this matter, however, we regret to inform you that we are not the party to blame.
According to the B/L issued to us by the shipping company, there is noted clearly that ___(數量) cartons have been loaded on the carrying vessel. It is quite a regrettable matter that the __(地區) Office of the shipping company has failed to tell you the fact that, thus causing you to file the claim against us.
According to the clauses on the back of the B/L which forms the base of freight contract entered into between the carrier and us, the shipping company is responsible for any cargo shortlanded at the port of discharge. In view of this, you are requested to lodge your claim with the shipping company immediately and ask them to compensate you therefore. We trust that the carrier certainly will make up the losses incurred by you under this shipment.
Please let us know as soon as the case has been satisfactorily settled and if there is anything we can do to help settle case, please just write us. We will comply with your instructions wholeheartedly.
Yours faithfully,
解決straighten out=settle
不能歸咎於我方we are not the party to blame
file the claim against us=lodge the claim with us=lay claim to us(※注意介係詞)
卸貨港port of discharge
你所遭遇的損失the losses incurred by you
Dear Sirs,
Your letter of __(日期)along with a copy of survey report issued by ___Co.,Ltd(調查公司) has been received and we have given it our immediate attention.
Although we are very regretful to be advised that damaged has been inflicted on the shipment we made to you, we, however, are not responsible for the losses and, consequently, are not in the position to compensate you therefore as requested. As arranged with the insurance company, the marine insurance coverage for this shipment includes all risks and the damaged as mentioned in the survey report has already been by the insurance policy.
Therefore, instead of claim against us, you are requested to submit your claim together with all necessary supporting documents to the insurance company---___(公司名) whose address is as follows:___(該公司地址)
In case you need our further assistance regarding this case, please let us know. We will do everything we can do to help you.
Yours faithfully,
約定arrange with
in case=if
供佐證的單據supporting documents
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of ___ informing us that the goods shipped to you against your order No.___ arrived damaged on account of the imperfectness of our packing.
This is the first time we have received such a complaint from our customers, although we have been shipping the goods for many years in the past.
Furthermore, we would point out that we hold a copy of clean B/L from shipping company, which relieves us of all responsibilities. We are, therefore, not responsible for the damage, but as you must have insured the shipment at your hand, we would suggest that we will take up the matter with the shipping company or lodge your claim with the insurance company if you have insured the goods against all risks. We shall, of course, please at your disposal any documents necessary to substantiate your claim.
While we are sorry for the inconvenience you have suffered, we believe the above explanation will prove satisfactory to you.
Yours very truly,
arrived damaged=reached you damaged
因為on account of
in the similar manners=in the same manners
解除…責任to relieve… responsibilities
堅信are convinced to think
due to=caused by
將此事向…提出take up the matter with
提出索賠lodge a claim
聽你使喚place at your disposal
成為…prove(使你滿意prove satisfactory to you)
Dear Sirs,
Re:___(對方之前來信資訊,如:Your claim for loss of …)
We have received your letter of ___(日期) submitting the subject claim together with the relative documents and have duly noted the contents thereof.
After our careful deliberation of this case, we regret to reply that you should file the claim first against the carrier. In case shipping company refuses to compensate you for the loss and their refusal found justified, we will have the case our further consideration. Returned herewith are the relative documents submitted by you.
Please be assured that, if the loss is found within the coverage of our policy, we will compensate you the loss immediately.
Yours very truly,
妥予注意到其內容have duly noted the contents thereof
熟慮deliberation=careful thought
We regret very much to learn from your letter of January 1 that the goods, when they reached you, were not in good condition.
We can understand the inconvenience and annoyance you have suffered, and will do our best to adjust the matter to your fullest satisfaction.
We are pleased to enclose a check for US$10,000 in settlement of your claim.
>若您願意保有該商品,我們願意給予發票金額10% 之減價
If you will keep the goods, we shall give you an allowance of 10% off the invoice value.
Since your complaint does not agree with results of our own test, we suggest that another thorough examination be conducted by you to show whether there is any reason for claim.
>我們機器嚴重故障serious break down in our machinery
>造成所有工作停工數日brought all work to a stand still for several days
>在履行您未來的訂單時in filling your future orders
>加倍留意doubly careful
>每人平均per capita(ex:per capita income)
>生產能力production capacity