花店商品 items for florists
農業機械 agricultural machinery
羊毛氈製的動物指偶 wool felt animal finger puppet
廚電產品 kitchen electrical products
濕度控制器 humidity controller
擴音器備件 spare parts for loud speaker
筆記型電腦 laptop computers
畫布 canvas for paintings
框架型材(鋁和塑料)profiles (aluminum and plastic) for frames
船舶和遊艇設備 marine and yacht equipment
救生屬具 life-equipment
救生筏 lifeguard preserving raft
小雕像 figurines
製造過程中使用的防爆電機 explosion proof electric motor used in their manufacturing process
防鎖死煞車系統控制單元 abs control unit
兒童保護裝置之長度調節器 adjuster mounted directly on child restraint
氣壓計 absolute manometer
升降裝置 lifting or lowering mechanism
疊片 lamination
全息壓印 holographic embossed print
繞射光柵 diffraction grating
單色器 monochromator (一種光學儀器 optical device)
模切 die-cut
氯化劑 chlorinators
車燈備件 spare parts for car lights
汽車密封套件 gasket kit for cars
鉛管 lead pipe
皮革裁片機 leather slitting machine
自動儀錶控制 automatic gauge control
氣囊 air bag
手斧 adz
數位單眼相機 digital single-lens reflex
多用途數位光碟 digital versatile disc(=DVD)
充氣設備 aerating apparatus
隨身碟 flash disk
集線器 hub
高畫質通用光碟 high definition versatile disc(=HVD)
電動旋轉展示台 rotating display pedestal with electric engine
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)樹脂製的硬邊行李箱ABS hard sided luggage (注意:在汽車上A.B.S.系統是Anti-Lock Brake System縮寫)
水錶 water gauge
雲梯消防車 aerial ladder fire truck
沙石採集機 aggregate collector
攪拌車 agitator body truck
吸收光譜儀器 absorption spectrum instrument
在攝影工作室使用的漸變著色塑料底座Graduated coloring on plastic base used in photographic studios
布偶 stuffed animal ( plush toy)
陶瓷 ceramics
紙質禮品 paper gift item
存錢筒 money-box (piggy banks)
衛生紙 toilet paper
空瓶子 empty bottles
電氣用玻璃纖維帶 glass fiber tape for electrical
絕緣體 insulation
隔音牆 acoustic barrier
壓克力板 acrylic sheet
按摩足浴用品 massaging foot bath items
灰銅版紙 coated duplex board white back
瓦楞紙版 corrugated paperboard
噴墨列印機 ink-jet printer
設計工具組 design toolkit
資訊家電 information appliances (=IA)
液晶顯示器 liquid crystal display (=LCD)
數據機 modem
木材 timber
雕塑 sculptures
瑪瑙 agate
紫檀木雕刻 carvings made of red sandalwood
用於房間裝飾的烏木,24 件至 36 件 ebony for room ornament, 24pcs to 36 pcs
醫療用品和設備 medical supplies and equipment
抗菌劑 antibacterial agent
生化產品 biochemical product
肉類和家禽 meat and poultry
食品 foodstuffs
海參 sea cucumber
釣具漁船 line fishing boat
原油 crude oil
冷凍海鮮脫水甲殼類和軟體動物 frozen sea food dehydrated crustaceans and mollusks
冷凍和罐頭海鮮 frozen and canned seafood
海螺 top-shell
蛤蜊 clams
貽貝 mussel
食用貽貝 razor clam
鮑魚 abalone
九孔螺 variously colored abalone
健康食品 health food
食用魚 food fishes
墨魚 cuttlefish
魷魚、小管 squid