May I see your boarding pass?
> 能看一下你的登機證嗎?
We will be taking off in a few moments.
> 我們再一下子就要起飛了。
Please stow your hand luggage carefully in the overhead compartments.
> 請將手提行李妥善放置於座位上方置物箱內。
Please take a moment to locate the life vest under(attached to) your seat.
> 請花些時間找到你座位下的救生衣。
If needed, slip the life vest over your head, attach the straps and tighten it.
> 必要時,請從頭部穿上救生衣,調整鬆緊帶並拉緊。
After take-off, you can choose from a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
> 起飛後,你可選擇多種酒精及非酒精飲品。
◎補充一下,餐前(後)酒通常有酒精,英文叫aperitif,這個字有時也可以指餐前的開胃菜(amuse bouche )像是soda cracke, quiche等。
◎機上廚房叫galley,在飛機arrival和take-off期間會有美食車(catering trucks)補充食物。
Sir, we are about to take off. Fasten your seat belt, please.
> 先生,我們要起飛了,請繫好安全帶。
Before take-off and landing, please make sure that your window blind is open, your tray table is closed, and your seat back is fully upright.
> 起飛及降落前,請務必將窗戶遮陽板打開,收起餐桌,豎直椅背。
If we may be of any service to you, please do not hestitate to let us know.
> 能為你服務的地方請讓我們知道。
Please return your seat to its original upright position.
> 請把座椅打直。
We're crossing the Internal Date Line.
> 我們正在通過國際換日線。
Please turn your watch back(forward) an hour.
> 請把你的手錶撥回(調快)1小時。
Some air turbulence is expected.
> 將有些亂流。
Should there be a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down automatically.
> 客艙失壓時,氧氣面罩會自動落下。
Place the mask over your nose and mouth. Pull the straps to adjust your mask, and keep breathing normally.
> 將面罩罩住口鼻。調整鬆緊帶,並正常呼吸。
Please switch your mobile phones and all other electronic devices to flight mode.
Mobile phones and other electronic devices without a flight mode must be switched off.
> 沒有飛航模式的手機和其他電子產品必須關機。
If your device is lost or falls into the seat structure, do not move your seat, just call a member of our cabin crew.
> 若您遺失裝置,或掉落到座椅內部,請勿移動位子,並直接請機上人員協助。
Before take-off and landing, please unplug all your electronic devices.
> 起飛及降落前,請將所有電子產品從插座上拔除。
You'll have to put your bag under your seat because all of the overhead bins are full.
> 因為上方行李櫃滿了,你必須把袋子放在座位底下
You can place smaller items under the seat in front of you.
> 您可以將小型包包放在前方座位底下。
We're going to serve lunch in a few minutes.
> 再幾分鐘將提供午餐。
Smartphones, tablets, and other small devices may be held, but laptops and larger devices must be stowed in their cases in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you.
> 智慧型手機、平板電腦和其他小型電子產品可手持,但筆電或大型裝置必須收在筆電包中,並放置於座位上方置物箱內或前方座位底下。
Sir, we have beef and chicken; which do you prefer?
> 先生,我們有提供牛肉和雞肉,你要哪一種呢?
Would you care for any duty-free items?
> 你有想要免稅商品嗎?
◎比起用like,片語care for 更適合用在禮貌地提議。
Please have your passpot ready for immigration.
> 入境請準備好護照。
It is illegal to smoke on this flight, including electronic cigarettes.
> 本班機全面禁菸,包含電子菸。
Refrain from smoking in the lavatory.
> 廁所內請勿吸菸。
Please do not hestitate to call us if you have any questions in filling out these forms.
> 填表時如有問題請告知我們。
Fill out the landing card on arrival.
> 抵達時請填妥入境卡
Typically, if you don't apply for a visa before entering Taiwan, they will give you a landing visa at the airport valid for 14 days.
> 進入台灣前若未先申請簽證,通常在機場會發給你一個效期為14天的落地簽證
Please do not forget to take your personal belongings with you.
> 請別忘了帶走你的私人物品。
Please stow your footrest, video screen, and handset.
> 請收起腳踏板、螢幕及遙控器。
地勤人員總稱為ground staff(不可數),亦可用(airline check-in)agent或airline representitive來稱。
地勤要有很好的問題解決技巧(problem-solving skills )並能面對突發事件(unexpected issues)。
Here you go.Here's your boarding pass. Please board the plane on 7:30 PM
> 來,這是你的登機證,請在7:30 登機。
Your boarding gate is Gate 10, and your boarding time is at 8:30 AM.
> 你的登機門在10號門,登機時間為8:30。
Do you have your passport/identification with you?
> 是否有帶護照/身分證?
The plain is taxiing on the runway.
> 飛機正在跑道上滑行。
You're in seat 26A, and you're leaving from gate 6B.
> 您的座位是26A,在 6B 登機門登機。
Have a safe trip!
> 祝你旅途平安!
I'm afraid your passport has expired.
> 你的護照已經過期了。
Did you pack your bags yourself?
> 行李是你自己打包的嗎?
Do you have any bags to check in?
> 你有行李要拖運嗎?
◎ check in在此是託運(consign for shipment)的意思。
Please put your bags on the scale.
> 請把你的行李放上來秤。
The maximum weight of each piece of checked baggage must not exceed 32KG (70lbs)
> 每件託運行李的最大重量不得超過32公斤(70磅)。
The maximum dimensions for a carry-on bag are 22cm x 35cm x 56cm. (Include handles and wheels.)
> 登機行李最大尺寸為22公分 x 35公分 x 56公分。(包含手把及滾輪)
I'm afraid that your bag exceeds the size restrictions.
> 你的行李超過尺寸限制。
The maximum dimensions for your personal item are 22 cm x 25cm x 43 cm.
> 個人物品最大尺寸為22公分 x 25公分 x 43公分。
Any item above the carry-on and personal item allowance will be checked to your final destination, and checked baggage service charges may apply.
> 任何超過上述登機箱及個人物品容許範圍的行李,將會被拖運到你的最終目的地,而托運行李的服務可能產生額外費用。
Do you have any carry-on luggage(bag)?
> 你有登機行李嗎?
◎相反地,托運行李是叫 check-in baggage
You can bring on board one full-sized carry-on baggage plus one personal item free of charge.
> 你能免費攜帶一件全尺寸的登機行李外加一件個人物品。
◎不能帶上機的物品清單可至美國運輸安全署(TSA) 網站查詢,常見的禁止物如易燃物inflammable goods, explosive objects, pets等。
Everything looks good. Here are your tags.
> 都ok了(也可說OK, you're all set.),這是你的行李標籤。
Your flight is fully booked.
> 你的班次已被訂滿。
Your flight will be delayed for about half an hour.
> 你的班次會延遲約1的半小時。
You flight will take off on time.
> 你的班次會準時飛。
Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
> 你想要靠走道或靠窗的位子?
◎有的機型有雙走道,叫wide-body (planes)雙走道/廣體飛機,坐起來較舒適;相反的叫narrow-body (planes)單走道/窄體飛機。
If your wants a window seat, I can move you back a row.
> 若你想要靠窗,可以幫你往後一排。
You can claim up to CAN$800 worth of goods without paying any duty and taxes.
> 你最多可以申報價值 800 加元的貨物,而無需支付任何關稅和稅款。
Does that flight do every day?
> 這個班次每天都有嗎?
How much is the fare?
> 票價多少?
Could you tell me my reservation code?
> 可以跟我說我的訂位碼嗎?
How long does the flight take?
> 這個班飛多久?
Where do I board my connecting flight?
> 轉機要在哪裡轉?
Please cancel this reservation and reserve the same flight for tomorrow.
> 請取消這個訂位,訂明天相同的班次。
Please reserve one seat in this flight's economy class for me.
> 請幫我訂這個班次的經濟艙座位1個。
I don't feel well. Do you have any pills for airsickness?
> 我不太舒服,有沒有暈機藥?
◎有些人不能忍受長途班機(stand long-haul flights),也有些人有時差問題(jet lag)。
Please give me a sick bag.
> 請給我嘔吐袋。
What is the limit on duty-free liquor for each passenger?
> 每名乘客可購買的免稅酒上限是多少?
What time does my connecting flight leace?
> 我的轉接班機何時起飛?
Will the landing of this flight be delayed?
> 這個班次的抵達時間是否延遲?
I'd like an aisle seat because I need more leg room.
> 我想要靠走道的位子,這樣腿延伸空間較多。
My seat won't recline.
> 座椅不能向後靠
Where is the magazine rack?
> 雜誌架在哪裡?
Which channel is this movie on?
> 這電影在那個頻道撥放?
My earphones don't seem to be working.
> 耳機不能用。
Are these all the forms I need?
> 這些就是所有我該填的表格嗎?
Are we expecting much turbulence?
> 還會有更多亂流嗎?
What kind of drinks do you have?
> 有什麼可以喝的?
May I have an extra blanket?
> 可以在給我一條毯子嗎?
When will we begin boarding?
> 何時開始登機?
Can I reconfirm by phone?
> 我能用電話確認嗎?
Will the plane take off on time?
> 飛機準時起飛嗎?
Please give me an international timetable.
> 請給我國際時間表。
Where is Japan Airline's check-in counter?
> 日航的報到櫃台在哪裡?
How much is the excess baggage charge?
Please endorse my ticket to Japan Airlines.
> 請將我的票簽轉到日航。
Do I have to change planes at Dubai?
> 我在杜拜要換機嗎?
Could I stop over for no extra charge?
Can I break my journey in Copenhagen?
> 我能在哥本哈根下去中途停留嗎?
◎在旅途中(en-route)的停留都可以叫做是break one's journey。
Does this flight lay over at Vienna on its way to Belgium?
> 這個去比利時的班機會在維也納停留嗎?
◎lay over 是轉機的意思(24小時內的停留,機場人員會幫你把行李送到接續的航班)跟stopover這種更長的停留不同。
◎轉機的乘客叫transit passengers。