商務參事處commercial counselor office
合作瞭解備忘錄memorandum of understanding
印太區域Indo-Pacific region
國際場域international arena
轉運站、管道conduit(如: as a conduit to successfully trade and honest economic benefits)
南島語系文化 the Austronesian cultural legacy 
島國island states
海洋國家 island nations
軍售arms sales
國際夥伴international partners
政策建議policy recommendations
主權國家sovereign states 
民族自決 self-determination 
不受外部勢力干涉內政 non-interference in the internal affairs
威權主義擴張expansion of authoritarianism
安全承諾security pledges
政府單位government agencies
民間團體 private sector and civil society organizations 
拜登政府the Biden administration 
防疫、能源轉型及資訊安全等議題issues including pandemic control, energy transition, and data security
潔淨能源clean energy
淨零排放net-zero emissions
海巡 coast guard affairs
空運air services
慈善募款計畫charitable fundraising program 
奉獻精神 spirit of giving
台灣的入會資格Taiwan's bid to join
能源轉型energy transition
金融監理financial supervision
轉型正義transitional justice, and 
軍事侵略 military aggression
落實「印太方針」的執行進展報告the implementation of its policy guidelines for the Indo-Pacific
敲醒我們的警鐘 a huge wake-up call
獨裁統治者 despot 
國際社會的立場the position of the international community
人道救援humanitarian assistance

經貿 commerce
中小企業創新研發innovation, research, and development in small- and medium-sized enterprises.
第四大進口國fourth largest source of imports
第二大出口國second largest export destination
外商 foreign investor
雙方在官方以及商業的交流都很緊密share close exchanges across both official and industrial channels(channels:交流途徑或管道)
作為出訪的第一站 as the first destination for this round of foreign visits
採購意向書 a letter of intent to purchase products
產業轉型industrial transformation
先進製程 leading-edge manufacturing
上機典禮 "tool-in" ceremony
第三方智慧財產供應商 third-party intellectual property providers

5加2產業創新計畫 the 5+2 industrial innovation program
歐盟「全球門戶」計畫EU's Global Gateway project跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定(CPTPP)
>the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
>the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
>the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue
>the Technology Trade and Investment Collaboration framework
>the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue (EPPD)
台美21世紀貿易倡議the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade
《台灣關係法》the Taiwan Relations Act
強化歐洲鏈結計畫a project to strengthen connectivity with Europe

美國外交政策全國委員會 (NCAFP)
> The National Committee on American Foreign Policy
美國國際民主協會(NDI)the National Democratic Institute’s Board of Directors
美國進步中心Center for American Progress
「六項保證」the Six Assurances
英國下議院the United Kingdom House of Commons
歐盟委員會European Commission
歐洲議會European Parliament
德國馬歇爾基金會German Marshall Fund (GMF)
美國在台協會American Institute in Taiwan
華府智庫a think tank based in Washington, DC
國際獅子會 Lions Clubs International (LCI)
APEC的國家 APEC member states
G7輪值主席國 the G7 rotating presidency
G7外長的聯合聲明 a joint statement by the G7 foreign ministers

處長Office Director
政務委員Minister without Portfolio
副秘書長Deputy Secretary-General
政務委員Minister without Portfolio
副秘書長Deputy Secretary-General
(日本的)県知事governor of the Prefecture

六度批准對臺軍售approve six rounds of military sales to Taiwan
位處威權主義擴張的最前線  be on the front line of defense against authoritarian expansion
在台海執行航行自由任務conduct freedom of navigation operations in the Taiwan Strait
an in-depth exchange of views on international developments and issues of mutual concern, including climate change and youth economy.
儘管全球動盪及不確定notwithstanding the global volatility and uncertainty
as opinions differ on whether there should be completely open markets or completely fair competition
最近G7的聲明即是例證That is ,for example laid out in the latest G7 statement
德國國會首度通過the Bundestag passed its first resolution 
超過100位國會議員進行連署over 100 Bundestag members signed a petition 

> sth is coming on apace (= advancing quickly)進展神速
恢復免簽入境reinstate visa-exempt entry
呼籲排碳大國負起責任,做出氣候災害損害賠償to advance the calls for loss and damage agreements to be honored by those primarily responsible
weather度過、經受住(如:weather the energy crisis度過能源危機、weather the pandemic度過疫情)
仍受到某些程度的影響have nonetheless to some extent been impacted
進行交流conduct exchanges
透過其他的對話機制go through other existing dialogue mechanisms
強化自我防衛能力strengthen our national defense capabilities
致力維護區域的穩定和平 resolutely uphold regional stability and peace

召開更多的會議來促進貿易領域的合作launch more discussions to promote cooperation in the area of trade.
發揮彼此的不同優勢draw on different strengths
共同打造更安全、具有韌性的供應鏈jointly build more secure and resilient supply chains
開創、促成forge many deep friendships with people in all walks of life
>促成聯繫forge a close bond 
> (不停地)努力前進forge ahead
以隆重軍禮歡迎 officially welcomed with full military honors
國際參與participate in global affairs
鳴放21響禮炮a 21-gun salute
演奏兩國國歌playing of the two countries'  national anthems
訪團所有貴賓the distinguished members of the delegation
密切的交流合作cooperate closely
共同克服挑戰tackle many challenges

安置烏克蘭難民contribute to settling Ukrainian refugees 
邁向經濟穩定、永續、多元且持續成長的未來strive for future economic stability, sustainability, diversity, and growth. 。
深深刻印在歷史中be firmly engraved in the history
推廣這樣的歷史根源promote the lineage
提供因應各項醫療、民生物資等緊急需求provide urgently needed healthcare and daily necessities
不分國界transcend all borders
讓世界看到臺灣的良善力量draw worldwide attention to Taiwan as a force for good  
一起邁向collectively advance 
會有更緊密的交流合作共同為世界服務engage in closer exchanges and cooperation to serve the global community
沙盤推演 rehearse
攜手面對疫情挑戰collaborate to address the challenges of the pandemic
找出一個平衡的辦法find a balanced approach
在國際舞臺上聲援加入國際組織lobby on the world stage for access to international organizations 
已經做了很多努力have made extensive efforts
籌劃 lay out
銘記在心take ... to heart.
總部就設在..be headquartered in ..
據他瞭解 He relayed his understanding that 
抱持著使命感uphold the sense of mission
深入社區提供多元服務reach out to communities to provide a diverse array of services
在臺海周邊持續軍演 conducted prolonged military exercises in and around the Taiwan Strait
注入經濟成長的新動能 inject new momentum into Taiwan's future economy through
計畫差不多敲定了is close to finalizing a plan
交付任務entrust the tasks to ...
推進further our partnership
度過get through 
提升 bolster

堅定的staunch、steadfast、robust (+Taiwan-US partnership+ diplomatic ally)
長期支持long-standing support for …
深刻的profound (+relationship)
現有的、盛行的prevailing (+challenges)
興起的emerging(+democracies of the Third World/+global uncertainties
是歷史上將永久留存的重要盛會a momentous occasion perpetually marked in history
分歧的 divergent
跨大西洋 transatlantic
侵略的 aggressive 
充滿活力的 vibrant


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