Dear Sirs,
___(公司名),who have recently proposed to do business with us, have referred us to your Bank.
We should feel very much obliged if you would inform us whether you consider them reliable and their financial position strong, and whether their business is being carried on in a satisfactory manner.
In addition to the above, please, if possible, also furnish us with the following information:
1.date of establishment
2.name of responsible officers
3.line of business
4.business volume for the past three years
5.profit/loss for the past three years
經營carry on
向誰提供furnish...with=supply with
負責人responsible officer=directorate
經營項目line of business
涉及你involve you
一經通知upon being notified
Dear Sirs,
At the request of our client we would appreciate your providing us with any information you might have concerned the above mentioned company.
Our client, the ___(公司名), has a desire to enter into business relations with the above firm. We should be much obliged, therefore, if you could supply us with any pertinent evaluation for our client.
Any information, of course, is strictly confidential and expenses will be gladly paid by us upon receipt your report.
We look forward to receiving your early reply.
Yours faithfully,
應本行顧客的要求at the request of our client
有關廠商之評價pertinent evaluation
絕對被保密的be strictly confidential
Dear Sirs,
In answer to your inquiry of ___(對方寄件日期) regarding ___(對方信中欲查詢的公司), we are pleased to send you the following information:
This business was established by ___(成立公司者)in ___(成立年份). It operates a manufacturer of ___(製造的產品西) which are distributed through the ___(販售地區). We understand that those ___(產品)are sold in a popular price retailing from $__to $__(價格區間).
Two local banking institutions have had accounts of the subject for a good many years and both report that the relationships have been routine and non-borrowing, with balances fluctuating between low five figures and moderate five figures in each instance.
The company has not borrowed for many years and the depositories have, therefore, no financial statement available.
The partners are well known to the bank officers and are highly regarded: both banks recommend this firm to your customer for the amount mentioned in your inquiry.
Outside sources indicate that the net worth is in excess of $____(金額) and that the company meets all obligations in a prompt manner.
We hope that this information will be of assistance.
Yours faithfully,
大眾化的價格popular price
銀行機構banking institution
關係僅在例行性往來,無貸款給客戶relations have been routine and non-borrowing
每一家銀行存款餘額均在低五位數與中五位數之間變動fluctuating between low five figures and moderate five figures in each instance
所謂低五位數(low five figures)即10,000元至20,000元。
中五位數(moderate five figures)即20,000元至35,000元。
low 1-2
moderate 2-3.5
medium 3.5-7
high 7-9
substantial 9-以上
無財務報表可獲得no financial statement available
其他消息來源outside sources
淨值net worth
超過in excess of
The above-mentioned firm is one of the oldest and best establishments in this city, doing wholesale as well as import and export business in general merchandise. They have their branch houses in ___(分公司地點)and have been doing a business of considerable volume.
The firm has maintained an account with us fir the past twenty years and has been one of our best clients. We have often made loans for good amounts, and all these obligations have been met as agreed upon. We are quite satisfied to see that our confidence in the firm has never been misplaced.
____(所述公司負責人), president of the firm and all other directors are everywhere held in the highest esteem, both for their business ability and for their integrity. From our records we do not hesitate to say that the firm may be rated as A1.
分公司branch houses
可觀的數額considerable volume
貸給相當款項made loan for good amounts
義務照約定履行obligations have been met as agree upon
最佳等級rated as A1
Your inquiry of ___(詢問日期)
This company does not maintain an account relationship with us and information regarding it which we have on file is not up to date. For this reason, we are not able to comment on the financial responsibility and reputation of the concern.
We regret that we are unable to be of assistance to you in this matter.
過時not up to date;流行up to date
無法置評are not able to comment
此事in this matter
Please provide us with your opinion on the financial status and responsibility of the above-mentioned firm.
Any information you may give us will be kept confidential.
The person in question is reported to be in a difficult financial condition and unable to meet the obligation.
>承諾無法履行的義務:commit the company to any engagement it could not fulfill
In our opinion, they are considered good for normal engagements.
We regret our inability to let you know anything positive concerning the above firm.
>營業方針:business policy