通常是進口的一方(如:連鎖店chain store/零售商retailer)主動向出口的一方(如:seller/foreign manufacturer)詢價
Dear Sirs or Madam,
Thank you for your consideration in establishing business relations with our company. With the prospect of great success we wish to start off with an initial order for __(商品含數量單位型號,如300 sets of your most popular digital recorder, model xxx)
As the demand for inexpensive ___(商品) is high, we may expect a successful sale depending on the cost and quality of yours.
Meanwhile, we shall be much obliged if you will send us your latest catalog listing your products and price list with samples.
Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
Faithfully yours,
由於對這方面的需求很高As the demand for ... is high
暢銷successful sale
最近的目錄latest catalog
As one of principal dealers in the captioned items in U.S., we are sending this inquiry and shall appreciate your giving it your prompt attention.
For your information, we need ____(描述你希望對方提供的產品), for ____(至於.../可寫出其他訊息), the articles we require should be durable and the colors should be bright. Since we need should be of A1 quality, we would like to pay higher prices for them if the quality is acceptable.
When submitting your quotations, please do not forget to send us samples of the articles quoted. Moreover, if orders are placed by us, please do your utmost to deliver the goods not later than June 15, 2021 in order to enable us to catch up the seasonal sales of this year.
We will open an irrevocable L/C in your favor right after our confirmation.
Yours faithfully,
主要的經銷商principal dealers
上述標題所列之項目captioned item
殷切prompt attention
盡你力do your utmost=do your best
趕上catch up
不可撤銷信用狀irrevocable L/C
以你為受益人in your favor
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are much interested in importing ____(列舉出多項欲購產品) and other items in popular demand.
One of our customs told us that you are manufacturers of some of the mentioned above. Therefore, we would appreciate your sending us detailed information of CIF prices, discounts and delivery schedule. Also supply us with your literature or catalogs if available.
We thank you in advance for your attention and assure you that offer will certainly receive our careful consideration.
We hope this will be a good start for a long business relation between us.
Yours faithfully,
廣受喜愛、大眾所需的in popular demand
交貨計畫delivery schedule
in advance預先
Dear Sir or Madam,
It has come to our attention through our friends that you are one of the foremost manufacturers and exporters of ___(產品名)in ___(地區).
Being in the market for ___(相關產業),we shall be greatly obliged if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalog, informing us of your best terms and lowest prices C.I.F.(國名).As we are in a position to handle large quantities, we hope you will make an effort to submit us really competitive prices.
For any information as to our financial standing, we refer you to:(提供給對方查本公司信用的銀行),we recommend this matter to your prompt attention.
Yours faithfully,
擬購買in the market for=in need of
附圖說明的目錄illustrated catalog
正in a position to
We are in urgent need for 000, and we would be obliged if you would send us your latest catalog.
Could you send us your latest catalog and price-list, quoting your most competitive prices?
Please quote us your lowest price for the following goods.
Will you please inform us as soon as possible of the terms on which you can supply?
If your quality is excellent and the price is competitive, we may place a substantial order with you.
We hope to make a considerable business in these goods during the coming season.
As we have a nation-wide network in the country, we ask you for a special discounts.
>信譽佳enjoy a good reputation
>銷路好command a good selling
>以合理價格at reasonable prices
>優良品質superior quality
>最好的條件best terms
>符合要求meet with our approval
>暢銷sell well