Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!《冰雪奇緣》(Frozen)中Olaf曾說: 
"Some people are worth melting for."(有些人值得你為他融化)

May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door!
> 祝你煩惱少一點,祝福多一點,來的盡是好事!
I said this 365 days ago, but happy New Year!
> 365天前我說過一樣的話,但仍要再跟你說新年快樂!
Happy Holidays! Hope your Christmas isn't a chore. Enjoy some relaxation time!
> 佳節愉快,祝你聖誕不煩心,享受些放鬆時光吧!
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a magnificent New Year.
> 為聖誕和美好的新年獻上最好的祝福。
May 2022 be an extraordinary one.
> 願2022是個獨特的一年。
Wishing you a joyous (fun-filled) Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
> 願你有個歡樂的聖誕和昌順的新年。
Wishing you a new year filled with hope, health, and happiness - with a generous sprinkle of fun!
> 祝你有個充滿希望、安康和幸福的新年並伴隨大量樂趣點綴。
Wishing you a year brimming with good eats, good drinks, and lots of good adventures!
> 祝你有個好吃好喝和好多精彩冒險滿溢的一年!
Wishing you an amazing 365 days ahead.
> 預祝你有精彩的365天。
Wishing you many wonderful memories made in 2022.
> 祝你2022年製造許多美好回憶。
Each year is a gift that holds hope for new adventures. May your New Year be filled with exploration, discovery, and growth.
> 每一年都是對新冒險抱持希望的禮物,願你新的一年充滿探索、發現和成長。
May contentment and peace among you and your family.
> 願心滿意足和祥和之氣充斥在你和闔家之間。
Wishing you Holidays filled with fun and laughter, and very best wishes for a fabulous New Year! 
> 願你佳節充滿樂趣和笑聲,並祝你有個極佳的新年!
We may not be together for Christmas, but I'm with you in spirit. 
> 我們雖無法一起過聖誕,但我精神與你同在。
With many good wishes for the holiday season and the coming year.
> 給予聖誕假期和下一個年度滿滿祝福。
May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you today and throughout the New Year.
> 願聖誕的和平和喜樂伴隨著你的今日和明年一整年。
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.
> 願你的聖誕在愛、歡笑與美善的時刻中發光發亮,也願將來的這年充滿知足喜樂。
Sending all our love and good wishes for better days ahead.
> 為更好的將來捎上我們的愛與期許。
May your Christmas shine brightly with joy and goodwill.
> 願你的聖誕伴著喜樂和美善而閃閃發光。
May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.
> 願和平、愛與昌順都總是跟隨你。
Warmest greetings and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
> 給美好的聖誕和新年致上最溫暖的問候和佳許。
Best wishes for the Holidays, and for health and happiness throughout the coming year.
> 佳節愉快並祝明年都健康幸福。
Sending you my best wishes for a fabulous festive season from across the miles. 
> 從遠方捎來我在這美好節慶假期的祝福。
In this loveliest of seasons may you find many reasons for happiness. Merry Christmas and lots of love from our family to yours!
> 在這最美好的假期願你找到許多幸福的因素,我們家祝福你們一家聖誕快樂並致與滿滿的愛!
The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gift of happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas.
> 愛的禮物、和平的禮物和幸福的禮物--願這些禮物都是你的。




winter solstice 冬至
> 也叫hiemal solstice(冬天的至點),冬至時很多長輩會敬祖(veneration of the ancestors)

tangyuan 湯圓 
> glutinous rice= sticky rice= waxy rice 糯米
> brown sugar 紅糖
> vigna angularis=adzuki bean紅豆
> sesame芝麻
> peanut= groundnut= goober= monkey nut花生 

§西方習俗 (宗教故事和icons)

Yule 耶魯節/聖誕節(=Christmas)
>Yuletide 聖誕節期間,Yule本是日耳曼民族的節日,基督教傳入後在當地衍生同為聖誕節的慶祝。


Bethlehem 伯利恆

Holy Spirit 聖靈



stable 馬廄
> 這個詞也有形容詞用法,「穩定的」、「精神健全的」之意

■ the biblical Magi=the Three Wise Men= Three Kings= the Three Magi東方三王

■ Christianity基督教
> Christian基督徒
> New Testament《新約聖經》

■  Gospel福音書,包括以下:
> The Gospel according to Matthew 《馬太福音》、Gospel of John《約翰福音》
> The Acts of the Apostles 《使徒行傳》
> The Pauline epistles= Epistles of Paul= Letters of Paul《保羅書信》
> Catholic Epistles大公教會書信= General Epistles一般書信
> The Book of Revelation= the Apocalypse of John= Revelation to John= Revelation from Jesus Christ 《啟示錄》

■ Santa Claus= Saint Nicholas= Father Christmas=Christkind= Sinterklaas=Saint Nick聖尼克、聖·尼古拉斯、聖誕老人

reindeer= rangifer tarandus= caribou 馴鹿

> 麋鹿是Père David's deer,俗稱四不像的東方鹿/elk、wapiti也可是麋鹿,特別是加拿大馬鹿(不是バカ喔)

sled= sledge= sleigh雪橇
> 也時也會看到用toboggan,但這指的是沒有滑行板的平底雪撬。

§西方習俗 (聖誕活動)

stringing popcorn 串爆米花
> 算是聖誕樹裝飾(ornament)的一種,用爆米花串(string of popcorn)取代聖誕燈飾(Christmas lights),好像不錯省電呢(笑)。
ice sculpture冰雕
snowman 雪人

commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ紀念耶穌誕生
> recounting the story of the Nativity敘說主誕生的故事
> the season of Advent= the Nativity Fast主降生齋期  

putting up the cranberry garland擺放蔓越莓花環
> 花環也可以用wreath或anadem 。
> the Advent wreath(降臨節花圈)通常會有4根紅蠟燭和中間1根白蠟燭,象徵降臨期四個星期的過去,點燃蠟燭時伴隨著讀經和祈禱。

initiating the season of Christmastide聖誕節潮的起始
> 這股聖誕節潮起始於平安夜的日落,潮落於第12天(12月24日那天不算),
Twelfth Night《第十二夜》這個詞熟悉莎士比亞戲劇的人一定不陌生,

■  completing an Advent calendar 完成基督降臨曆
> 基督降臨曆是一種掛在牆上的卡片,卡片上有許多紙門,12月1日開始到聖誕節每天都能打開一扇門並看到裡面的圖畫。
> 補充一下太陽曆叫Julian calendar,源自凱撒(Julius Caesar)的改革。
> 教會年曆(liturgical calendar)包含了基督教禮儀(liturgy),舉凡相關節日如棕樹主日、受難日、復活節、平安夜等都會列在年曆上。

gift giving 交換禮物
> 有時也包括交換卡片(exchange of Christmas cards)

Christmas music and caroling聖誕音樂和唱聖歌

viewing a Nativity play觀賞降誕劇 (Nativity play)
> 耶穌誕生場景(nativity scenes)又叫馬槽聖景

issuing commemorative stamps 發行紀念郵票

preparing special desserts 準備特別點心
> 英式肉餡餅(mince pies)是英國聖誕節和新年期間的甜點,會放入肉餡(mincemeat),也會放果乾,所以又叫百果餡餅。
> 聖誕樹幹蛋糕(Yule log cake)
> 薑餅人gingerbread man
> 聖誕蛋糕(Christmas cake)又叫潘妮托妮或托尼甜麵包(Panettone),這種水果為主的大麵包通常裡面有果乾、蜂蜜和烈酒。

celebrate the New Year= ring in the New Year跨年
Year of the Tiger虎年
spring couplets春節對聯
watch the New Year's Eve fireworks display觀賞跨年夜煙火秀
vegging out 耍廢
binge-watchingthe Korean drama追韓劇
nibbling on popcorn嚼爆米花
enjoying the cheese fondue享用起司火鍋
sipping hot cocoa喝熱可可
breaking out the tabletop games拿出桌遊來玩
shooting fireworks at midnight在午夜放煙火
watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV觀看電視撥放時代廣場球
New Year's Day 元旦
New Year's Eve 除夕

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